26 06 2015
Script To Fix Windows Updates On Remote Machines
I have created a quick script that will fix Windows Update on remote machines. It will need to be saved as a .bat file and requires PSTOOLS.
If you have a machine that’s not picking up updates, or not reporting in correctly, or failing to install updates you can use this script. This can be due to corrupt content in the SoftwareDistribution Folder.
It’s designed to work with remote machines. It takes advantage of PSEXEC, so it will need to go in the same directory as the tool.
You enter the target machines name and it does the following:
Stops Windows Update Service
Deletes the SoftwareDistribution Folder
Starts Windows Update Service
Creates the SoftwareDistribution Folder
Force a Check in, Reset and Update download
:Start cls @echo off Echo. Echo Remote Windows Update Fix and Check Echo. Set /P Computer=Enter Remote Computer Name: If "%Computer%"== "" goto Error pause sc \\%Computer% stop wuauserv TIMEOUT /T 10 psexec \\%Computer% cmd /c rmdir c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution /S /Q sc \\%Computer% start wuauserv TIMEOUT /T 10 psexec \\%Computer% -s wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow TIMEOUT /T 5 psexec \\%Computer% -s wuauclt /reportnow Goto End :Error Cls Echo. Echo Incorrect Computer Name Entered Echo Please enter a valid Computer Name. Echo. Pause Goto Start :End