The Pixel Wall

The Blog Of Dan


Script To Fix Windows Updates On Remote Machines

I have created a quick script that will fix Windows Update on remote machines. It will need to be saved as a .bat file and requires PSTOOLS. If you have a machine that’s not picking up updates, or not reporting in correctly, or failing to install updates you can use this script. This can be […]

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Windows Time Machine

I found a rather strange bug in windows a few weeks ago. It decided it was apparently a time machine and had gone back in time. As you can see Windows thinks it’s the Year 1629! Now Windows will not allow you to set a date like this. It also reset my language to all […]

Moving IMAP email to Exchange

While moving email from Open Source version of Zimbra (Which only supports IMAP in Outlook, as it has its own Zimbra Client) to a Microsoft Exchange based system I ran into a strange problem. In Outlook E-Mails in folders would not show, yet they would on the OWA (Webmail) interface. This is because when the […]

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